Top 10k strings from Assignment - East Berlin (1985)(Sterling Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   6 ,z,z,z,z,z
   5 ;"                          ":
   4 ,z,z,z,z,z,z
   3 '"try another word":
   3 "(Enter y/n)";
   2 dark cellar
   2 I don't understand
   2 '"he says 
   2 "in a Pavement Cafe",29
   2  it's open":
   1 z,z;"You are Magnus Steele    
   1 your shout brings the Police-   they shoot you
   1 you have too much
   1 you feel the blood spurt 
   1 yellow Volkswagon
   1 xpress ist gut
   1 wooden trapdoor
   1 wire across gap
   1 wastepaper basket
   1 walleterdpe rbager guard
   1 wallet containing some money
   1 vn=vn*(vn>z
   1 u$="something here but it's too darkto see what it is":
   1 top secret formula
   1 tired blonde
   1 tipped up dust bin
   1 thin man seated at a table/
   1 thick rubber glove
   1 the sounds of the search come   closer
   1 the owner says 
   1 the guard will let you pass
   1 the Police are very near now!
   1 sword stick
   1 stethoscope
   1 steel grid in east wall
   1 statue of Lenin
   1 space between the floorboards
   1 snarling alsation
   1 smart uniform
   1 small book
   1 secure wire across gap
   1 secret compartment
   1 sample of new nerve gas
   1 s$="hands"
   1 s$="bare hands"
   1 russian agent
   1 rubber glove
   1 row of shops
   1 rotten beam
   1 reference book
   1 razor blade
   1 rail of clothes
   1 r$="in a sewer pipe- the    cover slams shut behind you":
   1 qetdineempty
   1 q$="You see":
   1 pree",z,z,52
   1 pree",z,54
   1 power pack
   1 possessions
   1 polish dictionary
   1 plastic card
   1 pile of garbage
   1 pigeon spotted statue of     Lenin
   1 pawnbroker
   1 paperweight
   1 pair of pliers
   1 p$="in a dark back alley":
   1 open manhole
   1 old rise and fall light      fitting
   1 o$="you can't do that yet":
   1 number of parked cars
   1 nichts gut
   1 nice tidy room
   1 new secret weapon!
   1 narrow gap between houses
   1 monkey wrench
   1 metal plate in east wall
   1 message scratched on the wall4
   1 message saying               MAKE FRIENDS WITH A DOG
   1 mechanics tool box
   1 manhole cover
   1 m$="small book":
   1 m$,s,s,s,s,s,s
   1 loose brick
   1 long barrel luger
   1 loboc machine
   1 list of agents
   1 line of cars
   1 leakproof battery
   1 l$="don't waste the battery":
   1 k$="in a main street- the   street lights cast an eerie glowin the storm laden air"
   1 j$="in an open area between the 
   1 issue of Das Bild
   1 ismark-   the clerk- who is a contact-says
   1 ismark",z,49
   1 irport and drive off towards 
   1 inthe Border Guards hut-                                          
   1 iedersehen"
   1 ice       
   1 huge guard
   1 hot nights seem long
   1 hole in the floor
   1 hidden compartment
   1 h$="you don't have it":
   1 guards hat"
   1 group of cars
   1 grey building- it's-         13, Kaiser Strasse
   1 gap in the floorboards
   1 g$="the box was a booby-trapped-    it blows up":
   1 full rail of clothes
   1 fairly large box
   1 evil looking rat
   1 empty wastepaper basket
   1 emplehof    
   1 edition of Der Zeitung
   1 e$="in an old part of the   city with delapidated buildings on both sides of the street- it would be very easy to get lost  here":
   1 dry cleaning ticket
   1 drop your ticket here
   1 does"'"not recognise any agent in"'"difficulty
   1 dirty attic
   1 derelict house
   1 dead guard
   1 das ist gut gedroppen it hier"
   1 d$="it's no good- you're recognised-and shot":
   1 cut red wire
   1 corroded metal plate in east wall
   1 copy of Pravda
   1 combination safe
   1 clean uniform
   1 check possessions
   1 carrying the sword stick and Das Bild will identifyyou to a western agent
   1 cardboard box
   1 c$="in a damp slimy sewer-  green mould oozes out of the    brickwork- the stench hits you  like a hammer":
   1 but don't stay too long
   1 bursts through the door hestrikes":
   1 box of bullets
   1 blonde hostess
   1 black void
   1 big russian border guard
   1 b$="nothing of interest here":
   1 american express card$
   1 a.e.b.    
   1 a.e.b     z
   1 a$="the guard kills you before you  can try":
   1 a russian agent enters - he     recognises you and shoots you
   1 a man at a table rises and asks you to follow him 
   1 You hear the sound of Police    sirens in the distance
   1 You hear the Police searching   nearby
   1 You do not have much time left
   1 The Police sirens seem to be    coming closer
   1 The Police see you they shoot onsight they are good shots 
   1 The Police know where you are-  they're coming fast
   1 The Police know about the       forged passport-they are lookingfor you-they will shoot on sight
   1 The Police are determined to getyou
   1 The Police are closing in
   1 The Border Guards have checked  your Passport with H.Q. and havefound it to be a forgery
   1 Secret Police
   1 Russian Agents
   1 Russian   Agent 
   1 Her Majesty's Government 
   1 F$="it isn't here":
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Checkpoint Charlie
   1 BE QUICK- you've only minutes   before the Police see you
   1 BB!!B#$&'(BBBB*++,,BB.00BBBB1BBB2BB34BB5BBB;6k
   1 Assignmentz
   1 ;"score ";sc:
   1 ;"YOU ARE DEAD"
   1 ;"Do you want to save the game?":
   1 ;"Codename -  
   1 ;"  completed your mission  ":
   1 ;"  You have successfully   ":
   1 ;"    DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE         A PREVIOUS GAME?            ":
   1 ;"     CONGRATULATIONS      ":
   1 ;"      AGENT STEELE        ":
   1 ;"                          "
   1 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr888888888888888rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr888888888888888rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii888888888888888jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj888888888888888iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 -- You are on your own"
   1 - a blonde hostess asks you to buyher a drink- you do- she invitesyou upstairs for some action",61
   1 ,z;"You have landed at 
   1 ,z;"You have an assignment in"
   1 ,z;"You are on your way to meet him"
   1 ,z;"When you have got them bring    them back to 
   1 ,z;"Get a sample of the new Russian"'"cypher machine -the LOBOC- get a"'"LOBOC code book and a list of"'"Russian agents working in the"'"West- plus any other secret"'"information you can find"
   1 ,z;"Control meets you and gives you your instructions"
   1 ,z;"Control has sent for you and is waiting for you in"
   1 ,z;"                                                                ":
   1 ,z,z,z,z,70
   1 ''"with ";:
   1 '"your disguise fools the guard-  you can pass":
   1 '"you've cracked it":
   1 '"you're not carrying the"'"necessary tool":
   1 '"you're electrocuted":
   1 '"you stumble & fall against a    wall- it gives way- you fall    through":
   1 '"you see your photo on the front page - it says you're a spy":
   1 '"you see some writing":
   1 '"you see some scratches on a wall":
   1 '"you see nothing special":
   1 '"you see an american express cardin a car":
   1 '"you see a uniform":
   1 '"you see a torch amongst the     garbage":
   1 '"you see a rubber glove":
   1 '"you see a red wire":
   1 '"you see a razor blade caught in the rim":
   1 '"you see a plan of a secret"'"rocket base in its beam":
   1 '"you see a pair of pliers":
   1 '"you see a new secret weapon":
   1 '"you see a monkey wrench":
   1 '"you see a jemmy":
   1 '"you see a hidden compartment":
   1 '"you see a car jack":
   1 '"you see a bug":
   1 '"you see a box of bullets":
   1 '"you see a Loboc code book":
   1 '"you need a fulcrum":
   1 '"you move the box and find a     wooden trapdoor":
   1 '"you have fallen into the 
   1 '"you find a window- you see a gapbetween the houses":
   1 '"you fall and break your neck":
   1 '"you don't have the right        possessions":
   1 '"you don't have the right        implement":
   1 '"you don't have enough cash - butthey take credit cards":
   1 '"you can't- you don't have any   cash":
   1 '"you can't it's in view of the   security camera":
   1 '"you can't it's in Polish":
   1 '"wrong word":
   1 '"why say that":
   1 '"why are you showing that":
   1 '"where's your ticket":
   1 '"very interesting":
   1 '"the wire unwinds- the fitting   jams in something on the next   roof down
   1 '"the wire is still coiled inside":
   1 '"the shop owner puts it on the   counter":
   1 '"the room is bugged- a 
   1 '"the rat jumps at your throat it it rips out your jugular":
   1 '"the lid moves- you see a phial  with a sample of a new nerve gasinside":
   1 '"the gunsmith says"'"
   1 '"the cover rolls away":
   1 '"the clerk produces a note and a sword stick":
   1 '"the blonde is a counter-spy-    her room was bugged-            
   1 '"the alsation jumps at you it"'"sinks its teeth into your throat"'"- 
   1 '"she says ooh! that's nice":
   1 '"she puts a clean uniform on the counter":
   1 '"scrawled inside is- there's a   polish dictionary in a derelict house":
   1 '"right between the eyes-he's dead":
   1 '"please wait for a change":
   1 '"pick it up first":
   1 '"it's your Passport- it says it  must be carried at all times":
   1 '"it's too heavy for that":
   1 '"it's an I.D. card":
   1 '"it's a combination safe":
   1 '"it's a bit dirty":
   1 '"it says contact your opposite":
   1 '"it licks your hand and leaves":
   1 '"it disintigrates":
   1 '"because you carry certain items 
   1 '"as you turn to leave you tread  on a rotten floor-board it givesway under your weight-  ":
   1 '"a passing policeman hears you-  he recognises you- he shoots you":
   1 '"a guard coming to get his       uniform recognises you and      shoots you":
   1 '"You can't"
   1 '"You can't go that way":
   1 '"You are ";m$:
   1 '"The ";t$;" fights back"'" You feel weaker"
   1 '"Something stops you":
   1 "the " ; t$ :
   1 "on the top floor of a   multi storey car park",z,z,z,z,z,9
   1 "on some waste ground",2
   1 "on a roof- a drainpipe  almost reaches the ground",z,z,z,z,z,8
   1 "on a bridge over the    river 
   1 "kill with what                  
   1 "inside the derelict     house",6
   1 "in your hotel room",z,z,z,z,z,73
   1 "in the top room as you  enter a rotten beam falls and   blocks the door",z,z,z,z,z,25
   1 "in the cafe's back room-as you enter someone locks the  door behind you- the man who is a western agent puts a ticket onthe table",z,51
   1 "in the basement of a    multi storey car park",z,z,z,z,9
   1 "in the back yard of a   garage",50
   1 "in an old church-candlesflicker on the altar",63
   1 "in an area overlooking  the 
   1 "in a small room- the    floor doesn't look very safe",52
   1 "in a small room ",71
   1 "in a short corridor",z,56
   1 "in a short corridor as  you enter a dog jumps up at the door- it slams shut LOCKED",z,56
   1 "in a riverside warehouse",z,57
   1 "in a pawn shop the owneris one of your contacts",34
   1 "in a multi storey car   park",z,17
   1 "in a garage",42
   1 "in a first floor bedroom",z,z,z,z,24
   1 "in a dry cleaners- the   owner is there",60
   1 "in a cramped bedroom-youhave an interesting time with   the blonde",z,z,z,z,z,62
   1 "in a book shop- some    books are on a counter- one is  open",z,33
   1 "in a back street 
   1 "in a Newsagents",9
   1 "in a Hardware Shop",z,35
   1 "in a Gunsmith's Shop",z,z,z,15
   1 "at the south end of     
   1 "at the north end of     
   1 "You leave the 
   1 "The ";t$;" has killed you":
   1 "Assignment"
   1 ",z,z,z,z,17
   1 "(Enter  y/n)";
   1 "'"and puts the luger on the"'"counter":
   1 "",z,z,z,z,z,z,z
   1 "",z,z,z,z,z,z,60
   1 " small book":
   1  you lift it up":
   1  will collect them"
   1  them there- a 
   1  tell me what to do    
   1  collects it"
   1  arrive- they shootyou":
   1  arrive they      recognise you and shoot you":
   1  and some        derelict buildings"
   1  and   puts a list of russian agents infront of you":
   1  REG BEALE 1983
   1  " is mortally wounded and crawls  away to die":
   1   the current drags you down":
   1   knowing you are undertaking a   dangerous mission-"''"It is a heavy oppresive night   charged with electricity-       the roads are unusually desertedthe only sound is the swish of  your tyres on the tarmac-"''"There is an atmosphere like the lull before a storm which only  adds to your sense of foreboding"''''"               